Professional Purpose
Upon entering the Master of Arts in Education (MAED) Program three and a half years ago, I had many short term and long term goals. Many of these goals remained the same, however, a few key professional goals have changed. In my “Professional Purpose” paper I submitted with my application to MSU, I expressed a desire to become a highly effective teacher and be considered a leader within my building and district. Those short term goals were definitely met, reflecting back to that point in my career, I find comfort and pride in the work that I have done within that window of time. I also expressed a long term goal of finding an administrative role after completing my degree. This is a goal that I have completely changed within the past few years. I have almost no desire to find an opportunity to become a Principal, Assistant Principal or Dean.

Through this program and other influences I’ve had the past few years, my long term career aligns with educational technology and possibly staying in the classroom as a teacher. In my Professional Purpose paper I stated that I’m driven to become the best educator and coach I can be. Within this span of time I’ve truly reflected on what that broad statement means. This degree has allowed me to widen my scope to what it means to be an effective educator. My passion and calling is teaching and working with young people, helping them learn and grow.
My mission, as I’ve gained more experience in the education field, is to better the “whole student”. Curriculum knowledge and learning skills are clearly very important, but students need more than just instruction from a teacher. They need structure, support, compassion, and empathy. Until I feel that I can no longer do what I do as a highly effective teacher, that’s when I will look to move into a different educational role. As of today, I’m embracing the daily challenge of having one hundred and fifty students who need all the aforementioned considerations from a teacher. This degree has helped guide me to the point I'm at today. I plan to continue learning and growing as a person and professional seeking learning opportunities however they present themselves.