Welcome to my Master of Arts in Education (MAED) showcase. On this page, you will find samples of my work from three years of courses. My work examples fall into three categories relating to my degree focus areas of leadership, educational technology, and my application of concepts learned during my time completing this degree.
Leadership: A characteristic that I have spent a significant amount of time unpacking. I have developed my own leadership profile through painstaking research and deliberation.
Educational Technology: My most passionate pursuit in my educational career. I plan to seek opportunities in this field.
Applied Concepts: Showcases work I have already implemented within my current career and classroom.
Please click on the image next to each work sample to view the complete project file.
This paper synthesizes my work relating to leadership styles and models. The content of this document categorizes my own personal leadership characteristics and educational values into a succinct narration.
During my studies I developed a vision statement for future leadership roles within the realm of education. Professional development, utilizing educational tools, driving intentional instruction, and growing students as learners.
At the beginning of my degree at Michigan State University I created a Professional Purpose statement. I have revisited this purpose statement and revised based on my new experiences and education. This document states who I am as a professional within education.
Educational Technology
Working through the Stanford Design Model I developed and conceptualized a problem of practice relating to student motivation to utilize educational resources. Specifically 1 to 1 Chromebook policies. The process of Defining, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Reflect is outlined in the linked report.
Relating course readings, educational experiences, and personal experiences into how to responsibly incorporate digital technology into human lives. Discussion of potential concerns related to tech and positive potential as well.
This document is a final case analysis of a hypothetical (although realistic) example of a school district wide tech initiative that had little staying power and support from stakeholders. I analyze what happened and what could have been improved upon to make the initiative more successful in public support
Applied Concepts

I created and implemented a Professional Development plan regarding Google Forms and grading. I presented this to my colleagues at my school building.

My passion for digital technology and music has been able to extend to my professional life. I created an online course for an intramural I run teaching students how to use the software Ableton