Future Learning Goals
Relating most to my current career in education, I plan to continue to integrate technology within the Social Studies curriculum that I teach daily. My team of teachers and I applied and won a grant three years back for a 1 to 1 Chromebook initiative that our district was offering. We were the first in our school district to implement such an initiative. The policy was overwhelmingly successful, students were responsible for their own device that they brought back and forth to school for the entire year. Having these devices allowed our team of teachers to do activities and use resources that had previously been unavailable. My goal is to continue to look for resources and opportunities for my classroom. Knowing best practices while experimenting with new and changing technology is a cornerstone of my current practice. I’m planning to continue to grow that attribute.
Using my knowledge and passion for music and audio, a very long term goal that I plan to follow is to find a way to teach an audio productions class within my school district. Considering many schools have a video production class, I have always found fault in the fact that audio receives practically zero attention. I have yet to begin researching potential standards or even lessons regarding what the course would entail, however the amount of careers relating to audio (literally endless) would possibly lead me to finding what might be most useful for students to learn. While much of the information regarding audio engineering topics is probably too much for middle school minds to understand, music and recording is something everyone enjoys. This fact leads me to think that would be a great place to start with students. I imagine this course to be an elective and possibly a semester only class. Possibly following the same format as the video productions class at my school building.
Lastly, this is a goal that doesn’t necessarily relate to education or technology but I am considering a potential shift careers following my passion and recent successes in the music industry. Being from a family of teachers and rational thinkers, this shift would only be possible if the opportunity presents itself in an apparent way. Recognizing the amount of time, energy, and resources I’ve put into my current career in education, it would take a substantial event to pull me away from what I’ve been doing the past seven years. However, like I tell my students, following what you are interested in and care about is the right choice. Thankfully for myself, I’ve been lucky enough to have passion for and pursue constructive endeavors like education and music. These pursuits have led me to this point and I plan to continue spending my energy to benefit both of these ventures.
In conclusion, my long term career goals relate to education, technology, and learning. My last goal doesn’t fall exactly into one of the aforementioned categories but I believe it’s an end result of what those three categories have in common as it relates to me as an individual. Surprisingly, I had never actually written out goals until I began my degree at Michigan State, but I know see the power in putting goals in writing as a constant reminder of where you’ve been and where your future can take you.

After seven years of teaching and professional learning, the honeymoon phase of my career has worn off. I understand what needs to be done everyday and have experienced a significant amount of situations within the world of education. Thankfully, unlike every career a person can have, teaching and learning is never stagnant. Also thankfully, technology creates opportunities for growth and learning easier and more accessible than ever before. Within the realms of education, technology, and learning I have set three long term goals for my future. Each relates to my current experiences, interests, and passions. Remembering that passion is what drives progress and learning, I plan to follow my ambitions to where they lead me.